Lawrence wins Stonebridge in Dominating Fashion

Lawrence wins Stonebridge in Dominating Fashion

It took a recount, but we were able to get the leaderboard figured out about 90 minutes after the completion of the round and with that recount, the President (Chad Lawrence) won...Sounds familiar! I was the only player out of the field of 34 to be able to muster up a under par round as I finished at -2 just sneaking by Tom Gibson II who finished at E par, Rounding out 3rd and 4th were some LFG Rookies as Tom Bomberg Finished at +1 and Sean Dowd finished at +2 with a devastating triple on 18. 
It was tough conditions as we had the wind, the mist, the rain and the regular challenges of Stonebridge CC to contend with. The greens rolled very well and I heard a lot of positive comments from several players who had their first experience at Stonebridge. 
We had 10 skin winners this week which is the most I have seen which will make all skins worth $20. 
The winning team this week was Gibson, Shaw, Theriault and Harris who all secured an extra 15 points. 
Speaking of Winning teams, Congrats to Chris Roussin, Scott Smith, Robert Wenrich and Tom Gibson who won the net division of this years NHGA Club Championship which was held at Derryfield CC over the weekend- WAY TO REPRESENT! 
Click here for the results
Prize Money 
Chad Lawrence $110
Tom Gibson $80
Tom Bomberg $50
John Morin $40
Rick Dichard $20
Mike Bomberg $20
Jim Tokanel $20
Jake Darelius $20
Beau Galloway $20
Next event will be played at Montcalm GC on Sunday June 9th and will be the first Major of the year. We know how fun their management is there so PLEASE REGISTER ASAP! and I know we say this all the time, but I do not want to be pulled into the principal's office and yelled at for pace again so please play ready golf while we are there. REGISTRATION ENDS 6/1
Click here to register for Montcalm  - Start time for Montcalm is 11:00AM. 
Let's keep chipping away at our first round matches. So far we have had Tim Meisel Knock off Jeremy Papadinish and Josh Klein win his first round match over Andre Dafonte. 
LASTLY- This weekend Saturday night 6/1, I am running an Indoor tourney 8-10pm with 7:30 warm up. 10 players max 2 players per bay- $500 to the winner   Cost is $100pp. Playing Muirfield Village. If anyone is interested Just shoot me a message. 
Thank you everyone and looking forward to seeing you all on June 9th. 

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